Equestrian Shop Online » Horse FAQs » How to Choose the Right Western Bit for Reining?

How to Choose the Right Western Bit for Reining?

how to choose the right western bit for reining


It is important to choose the right bit for your horse when reining. The right bit can make all the difference in how your horse performs, feels, and enjoys reining. It can be hard to choose the right bit among so many options. This article will help you choose the best western bit for reining. We will discuss the various types of bits and how they can be measured, as well as how to choose the right bit for you horse.

Different types of bits

There are many options when it comes to reining bits. The most commonly used type for reining is the Western snaffle. The Western snaffle bit, which is lightweight and has a curved shape, allows for greater control and flexibility. The Western curb, the Argentine snaffle and the Western gag are all popular bits for reining. Every bit is different and has unique benefits. It is worth doing some research to choose the right bit for you horse.

Measuring Bit

After you have chosen the type and size of bit you wish to use, you need to ensure that it fits correctly. Measure the bit to determine how it fits. Measure the length of your horse’s bit, starting at the corner of their mouth and ending at the corner of their eye. This will give an indication of the length of the bit. Also measure the bit’s width. This will allow you to determine if your horse can use the bit.

The Right Bit

After you have determined the size of the bit, it is time to select the right bit for your horse. Comfort is the most important thing to consider. Different bits can cause discomfort to horses, so make sure you choose something your horse feels comfortable with. You should also make sure that the bit is simple to use. You might find some bits more challenging than others so it is important that you choose one that is simple to use.


It is important to think about the mouthpiece when choosing a bit. The bit’s mouthpiece is what goes in the horse’s mouth. Different materials can cause discomfort to horses, so make sure you choose a mouthpiece that is comfortable. The shape of the mouthpiece is also important. Some mouthpieces can be curved while others can be straight. A straight mouthpiece can cause discomfort, while a curved one is more comfortable.

Port Size

Port size refers to the distance between the mouthpiece of the bit and the cheekpiece. Port size can affect how much control you have over your horse. A larger port will allow you to have more control. A smaller port will let you have less. You should choose the right port size for your horse.


The bits’ cheekpieces are the pieces that wrap around the horse’s face. Different cheekpieces can cause discomfort for horses. It is important that the bit has comfortable cheekpieces. It is also important to consider the size of the cheekpieces. A cheekpiece that is too large can cause discomfort and a cheekpiece too small can restrict your ability to control the horse.


It is important to choose the right bit for reining. There are many types of bits, each with its own benefits and unique features. To ensure that the bit fits correctly on your horse, it is essential to measure it. It is also important to find a bit that is easy to use and comfortable for you. When choosing a bit, you should consider the port size, mouthpiece, and cheekpieces. The right bit will ensure your horse is comfortable, and you have the control you need to perform your reining best.


Which bits are the best for reining?

The Western snaffle bit is the most popular type of bit for reining. The Western curb, the Argentine snaffle and the Western gag are also popular bits.