Equestrian Shop Online » Horse FAQs » How to Prevent and Treat Equine Enteritis in Horses?

How to Prevent and Treat Equine Enteritis in Horses?

how to prevent and treat equine enteritis in horses


Equine enteritis, which affects horses, is a serious intestinal disorder that can lead to severe illness. There are many factors that can cause it, including poor nutrition and bacterial infections. There are steps owners and caregivers can take to prevent equine intestinal disease from developing and how to treat it if it does. We will be discussing how to treat and prevent equine intestinal disease in horses.

What is Equine Enteritis and how can it be prevented?

Equine enteritis, which affects foals and horses in particular, is an intestinal disorder. This condition is caused by inflammation of small intestines, which can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even dehydration. It can lead to weight loss or even death in severe cases. There are many factors that can cause equine enteritis, including poor nutrition and bacterial infections.

Preventing Equine Enteritis

Equine enteritis can be prevented by providing appropriate medical care and a healthy diet. Healthy diets should contain plenty of hay and roughage, along with balanced amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, and carbohydrates. It is also important to ensure that your horse receives regular veterinary care, and keeps their vaccinations current.

Make sure the Stable is clean

It is essential to keep the stables clean and sanitary in order to prevent the spread equine enteritis. Regularly clean the stables, take out all waste and manure, and disinfect the area with bleach. It is also important not to overcrowd the stables as this could lead to spread of diseases.

Avoid stress and over-exercising

Horses can become more vulnerable to enteritis if they are stressed or overexerted. Your horse should be allowed to rest, and not engaged in strenuous activity. It is also important to give your horse a safe, comfortable environment that is free of environmental stressors.

Treatment of Equine Enteritis

It is crucial to get veterinary attention immediately if your horse exhibits symptoms of equine intestinal disease. Your veterinarian will be able to diagnose the problem and recommend treatment. The treatment often involves intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medication. It is also important to feed your horse easily digestible foods like hay and oatmeal.


Sometimes surgery is necessary to remove infected or damaged tissue. If the condition has resulted in severe damage to the intestine, this procedure is usually necessary. Surgery should be considered only after all other options have been exhausted.

Manage Stress

It is important to stress-manage your horse and provide a safe environment. This will speed up recovery and decrease the chance of relapse.


What are the symptoms for equine intestinal disease?

Equine enteritis is most commonly characterized by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, dehydration, and a reduced appetite.

How long does it take for horses to recover from equine Enteritis?

It depends on how severe the condition is. Horses can take a while to recover from equine intestinal disease. Most horses will make a complete recovery with proper medical treatment and healthy eating habits.


Equine enteritis can be a serious intestinal condition that can lead to severe illness if it is not treated. There are steps owners and caregivers can take to prevent equine intestinal disease from developing and then treat it if it does. It includes providing regular veterinary care, maintaining a healthy diet, cleaning the stable, and providing medical treatment if necessary. Most horses will make a complete recovery from equine Enteritis if they are given the right care.