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How to Teach a Horse to Perform a Canter Full-Change?

how to teach a horse to perform a canter full change


It can be both rewarding and difficult to teach a horse how to canter full-change. Although it requires patience and skill, the final result can be a remarkable display of your horse’s athleticism. We’ll be discussing the steps required to teach your horse how to canter full-change. Also, we will provide tips and tricks to help you train your horse. Two FAQs will be provided about this process.

What is a Canter Full-Change and How Does it Work?

Canter full-change, a complicated and impressive maneuver that allows a horse to transition seamlessly from cantering one direction to cantering the opposite direction. Horses must be able to move their weight quickly and accurately to keep momentum and balance.

Preparation and Warming-up

It is important that your horse is well-prepared before you attempt to teach him the full-change canter. Begin with basic groundwork exercises to help your horse relax and focus. These could include asking your horse to move forward, turn and return on command. After your horse has become calm and focused, increase the intensity of the exercise until he can easily move in either direction. This stage is also a good time to practice basic transitions between directions and gaits.

Teaching the Canter Full-Change

After your horse has been sufficiently warm, you can start teaching him the canter. You can make the maneuver easier for your horse to understand by breaking it down into smaller steps.

Step 1: Teach Half-Change

To teach your horse full-change, the first step is to show him the half-change. This is a simple maneuver that allows your horse to transition from walking in one direction to cantering in another. Start by walking in one direction, then ask your horse to turn in the opposite direction. When your horse completes the maneuver, you should reward him with a treat or verbal praise.

Step 2: Teach the Canter Swap

Once your horse has mastered the half-change, then you can teach the canter swap. This is a more complicated maneuver that requires your horse to switch between cantering in one direction and cantering the opposite without pausing. Start by cantering in one direction, then ask your horse to slow down and then turn in the opposite direction. You can gradually increase speed and intensity as your horse becomes more familiar with the maneuver.

Step 3: Teach the canter full-Change

After your horse has become comfortable with the canter swap you can start teaching your horse full-change. This maneuver is the most difficult. Your horse can transition from cantering in one direction and cantering the opposite direction, without pausing. Start by cantering in one direction, then ask your horse to canter in the opposite direction. You can gradually increase speed and intensity as your horse becomes more familiar with the maneuver.


It can be both rewarding and difficult to teach a horse how to canter full-change. Although it requires patience and skill, the final result can be a remarkable display of your horse’s athleticism. You can help your horse perform the full-change canter by breaking it down into smaller steps, rewarding him with praise and giving him lots of praise.


What are the advantages of teaching horses to canter full-change?

Learning to canter full-change with a horse can improve balance, coordination, agility, and coordination. It is also a great way to show off the horse’s athleticism.

How long does it take for a horse learn to canter fully-change?

It will take time to teach a horse how to canter full-change. This depends on the horse and the ability of the trainer. It can take a horse several weeks, or even months, to master the maneuver.