Equestrian Shop Online » Horse FAQs » How to Teach a Horse to Perform a Canter Half-Counter-Half-Flying-Change?

How to Teach a Horse to Perform a Canter Half-Counter-Half-Flying-Change?

how to teach a horse to perform a canter half counter half flying change


Canter half-counter-half-flying-change is one of the most advanced dressage maneuvers for horses. This is a difficult move for horses to master and takes patience and practice from both the horse and the rider. This maneuver requires the horse to canter on a diagonal line while performing a flying turn of direction in the middle. In this article, we will discuss some of the steps involved in teaching a horse to perform a canter half-counter-half-flying-change.

The Foundation: Building

Before attempting to teach a horse to perform a canter half-counter-half-flying-change, it is important to ensure that the horse has a solid foundation of training. A horse should be capable of performing basic dressage movements such as counter-canter, shoulder-in and haunches-in. All of these movements will help the horse to understand the concept of a half-counter-half-flying-change and will make the task much easier.

The Maneuver

Once the horse has a good foundation of training, it is time to begin introducing the half-counter-half-flying-change. Begin by asking the horse to canter in a straight line. When the horse is about half-way down the track, ask for a half stop. This will teach the horse that a change in direction is normal. After several repetitions, the horse will begin to understand that there is a change in direction and will prepare accordingly.

Building on the Basis

Once the horse is comfortable with changing directions on a straight line, it is time to start introducing the half-counter-half-flying-change. Start by asking your horse to canter along the diagonal line. When the horse is about halfway down the line ask for a half-halt. Then, ask the horse to switch leads, which will create the half-counter-half-flying-change. The horse will be able to grasp the concept faster if you use your aids correctly.

Add the Flying Change

Once the horse is comfortable with the half counter, it’s time to add the flying change. Begin by asking your horse to canter along the diagonal line. When the horse is about halfway down the line ask for a half-halt. Next, ask your horse to switch leads. You can increase the speed and challenge the maneuver by asking the horse to become more comfortable with the movement.

The Maneuver

Once the horse is able to perform the canter half-counter-half-flying-change, it is important to practice the movement regularly. Begin by cantering along the diagonal line. When the horse is about halfway down the line ask for a half-halt. Next, ask your horse to switch leads. You can practice this maneuver in both directions at different speeds. You can increase speed and make it more difficult as the horse becomes more comfortable with your movements.


Canter half-counter-half-flying-change is one of the most difficult dressage maneuvers for horses. This maneuver requires patience and practice from both the horse and rider. It is crucial to establish a strong foundation in training your horse and then slowly introduce this maneuver to him. It is possible to teach horses advanced dressage movements with a lot of practice.


What is a canter half-counter-half-flying-change?

A canter half-counter-half-flying-change is an advanced dressage maneuver in which the horse canters on a diagonal line and performs a flying change of direction in the middle of the line.

How long does it take to teach a horse to perform a canter half-counter-half-flying-change?

It all depends on the horse and how much training they have received. It is possible to teach horses advanced dressage moves in just a few weeks to months with patience and practice.