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How to Teach a Horse to Stand Still for Mounting on the Off-Side?

how to teach a horse to stand still for mounting on the off side


Horsemanship is all about teaching horses to stand still so they can mount on their off-side. It takes patience, practice, consistency, and perseverance. It is important to communicate with the horse what you want and to build trust between the two of them. This article will explain the importance of teaching horses to stand still when mounting on the side. It will also provide step-by-step directions on how to do this.

Why teach a horse to stand still for mounting on the off-side?

It is vital to teach a horse how to stand still so that he can mount on his off-side. The horse must be standing still so that the rider can mount confidently and without the fear of the horse going off. It also protects the rider from injury, since mounting from the off-side can make it more dangerous and difficult. Teaching a horse to stand still when mounting on the side is an act of respect and trust.

Step-by-Step Guide to Teaching Horses to Stand Still and Mount on the Off-Side

1. Start by getting the horse to stand still when you ask them to mount on the near-side. This will help the horse to understand what they should do when asked to mount on the opposite-side. 2. After the horse is comfortable standing still to mount on the near-side of the horse, you can introduce the off-side. Start by asking your horse to remain still for a few moments. Begin by asking the horse to stand still for a few seconds. If they move, gently guide them into their normal position. 3. Gradually increase how long the horse must stand still to mount on the other side. You can gradually increase the amount of cues, such as body language, hand signals, voice commands, and hand signals, as your horse becomes more comfortable. 4. Once the horse is comfortable standing still to mount on the other side, you can begin the mounting process. Begin by getting the horse to stand still while you mount from the near-side. Then, gradually move on to the off-side. 5. You can add voice commands, hand signals and body language as the horse gets more comfortable with the process. 6. Reward the horse for good behavior. This will reinforce the horse’s good behavior and build trust between rider and horse.

Tips to teach a horse to stand still for mounting on the off-side

1. Be patient and persistent. It takes patience and consistency to get a horse to mount on its side. 2. Use positive reinforcement. Use positive reinforcement to reward horses for their good behavior. 3. You must make sure your horse is comfortable. If your horse struggles to stand still while you mount on the other side, it is time to take a look at the basics. 4. Slowly increase the difficulty. As the horse gets more comfortable, you can start with the basics. Then increase the difficulty gradually.


Horsemanship is all about teaching horses to stand still so they can mount on their off-side. It takes patience, practice, consistency, and persistence. You can help your horse to understand what you expect and build trust between rider and horse by following the steps in this article.


Q1: How long is it to get a horse to stop for the mount on the off-side side?

A1: It all depends on the horse as well as how much effort and time you are willing to put into the process. It can generally take between a few weeks and a few months for a horse to learn to stand still enough to mount on its side.

Q2: Is my horse uncomfortable with being able to stand still while I mount on the side?

A2: Take a moment to review the basics if your horse is having trouble standing still while you mount on the other side. You can check that your horse is comfortable standing still to mount on the near-side. Then, gradually introduce the off side. You can also check the

Wikipedia article about off-side riding

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