Equestrian Shop Online » Horse FAQs » How to Treat and Prevent Equine Colic in Horses?

How to Treat and Prevent Equine Colic in Horses?

how to treat and prevent equine colic in horses


Equine colic, a common condition in horses, is important to be aware of and how to treat it. Colic refers to abdominal pain caused by gas, spasms or blockages. It can be either mild or severe, and can cause mild discomfort to life-threatening situations. We’ll be discussing the symptoms and treatment options for equine colic.

Signs and Symptoms

Equine colic is characterized by the following symptoms and signs:

  • Appetite loss
  • Restlessness
  • Energy deficiency
  • Pawing on the ground
  • Rolling or stretching
  • Excessive sweating
  • For extended periods of sitting still for long periods
  • Abdominal pain

It is important that you seek immediate veterinary attention if your horse shows any of these symptoms.

Treatment of Equine Colic

Equine colic can be treated to relieve the discomfort and pain your horse feels. There are many treatment options available depending on the severity and underlying cause of your condition.

Medical Treatment

Medical intervention is the most common treatment for horse colic. Your veterinarian might prescribe medication to reduce pain and discomfort in your horse. Your veterinarian may recommend fluids or electrolytes to keep your horse hydrated. Sometimes, surgery is necessary to clear a blockage.

Alternative Therapies

Equine colic can be treated with medical and other therapies. These therapies include massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.

Preventing Equine Collic

Equine colic can be prevented by ensuring your horse is in good health. This means giving your horse a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and drinking plenty of water. You should also pay attention to the environment of your horse to ensure it is safe from any potential dangers. It’s also a good idea for your horse to be checked by a veterinarian regularly to make sure everything is working properly.


What are the most frequent signs of equine colic?

Equine colic is characterized by loss of appetite, restlessness and lack of energy.

What are some remedies for equine colic

Equine colic can be treated with medications, fluids, electrolytes and other therapies. Sometimes, surgery may be required to clear a blockage.


Equine colic can be a serious condition. It can affect horses of all ages and can even cause death. If your horse displays any signs or symptoms, it is important to be alert to the signs and get immediate veterinary attention. It is important to make sure your horse is healthy to prevent this condition from developing. Visit www.horsehealth.org for more information.


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