Equestrian Shop Online » Horse FAQs » How to Treat and Prevent Equine Strangles in Horses?

How to Treat and Prevent Equine Strangles in Horses?

how to treat and prevent equine strangles in horses

What is Equine Strangles?

Equine strangles, which is highly contagious, is caused by Streptococcus Equi bacteria. It affects horses. It causes fever, nasal discharge, swelling of lymph nodes and abscesses around the throat. Horses that have been infected are more likely to contract the disease than horses who have not. Horses who have been infected previously can be re-infected by the bacteria if they are exposed again.

How to treat Equine Strangles

The severity of an equine strangle is determined by the treatment. Mild cases can usually be treated with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medications. Surgery may be required to drain the abscesses in more severe cases. Horses should be kept away from other horses in order to prevent the infection spreading. It is important to disinfect all equipment and keep horses safe. It is important to disinfect stalls, water troughs, and buckets regularly in order to stop the spread of the disease.

Rest and nutrition

For horses’ recovery, it is important to get enough rest. Horses suffering from equine strangles need to be kept in a comfortable and clean environment with plenty of water and fresh hay. The horse should be closely monitored for signs of complications during the healing process.


To prevent horse strangles, vaccination is strongly recommended. There are vaccines that can reduce the severity of the disease in horses who have been exposed. Vaccines are usually given twice per year with boosters every six months.

How to Prevent Equine Strangles

Equine strangles can be prevented by good hygiene and limiting contact between horses. Horses must be kept in clean, well-ventilated stalls. They should also be regularly groomed using disinfected equipment. Horses should not share water and feed buckets. Any buckets or troughs should also be cleaned regularly. Overcrowding horses can lead to disease transmission.


What are the symptoms of equine strangles

Equine strangles can be characterized by fever, nasal discharge, swelling of the lymph nodes and abscesses around the throat.

How can I stop equine strangles from happening?

Equine strangles can be prevented by good hygiene and avoiding contact with other horses. Horses must be kept in clean, well-ventilated stalls. They should also be regularly groomed using disinfected equipment. Overcrowding horses can lead to disease transmission. To prevent horse strangles, vaccination is recommended.


Equine strangles, a highly contagious bacterial disease that can affect horses, is very common. The severity of the infection will determine the treatment, which may include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. Good hygiene and avoiding contact with other horses is the best way to prevent equine strains. To prevent equine strangles, vaccination is recommended. Visit www.equinestragglers.org for more information.


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Video on how to prevent horse strangles.